Phenomenology and the Transcendental
Sara Heinämaa
Not Available
Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology
Ondrej Svec
Philosophy of Mind and Phenomenology
Daniel O Dahlstrom
Phenomenology of Sociality
Thomas Szanto
Wittgenstein and Phenomenology
Oskari Kuusela
Phenomenology of Thinking
Thiemo Breyer
Husserl's Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity
Frode Kjosavik and 2 more
Phenomenology of the Broken Body
Espen Dahl and 2 more
Normativity, Meaning, and the Promise of Phenomenology
Matthew Burch and 2 more
Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty
Komarine University of Nottingham and 1 more
Phenomenology of Plurality
Sophie Loidolt
Ondrej Svec and 1 more
Phenomenology, Naturalism and Science
Jack Reynolds
Oskari Kuusela and 2 more
Philosophy's Nature: Husserl's Phenomenology, Natural Science, and Metaphysics
Emiliano Trizio
Imagination and Social Perspectives
Michela Summa
Espen Dahl
Husserl’s Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity
Frode Kjosavik
Matthew Burch
Political Phenomenology
Thomas Bedorf
Contemporary Phenomenologies of Normativity
Philosophy's Nature
Levinas and Analytic Philosophy
Michael Fagenblat
Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy of Perception
Peter Dominican University New York and 1 more
The Bounds of Self
R Matthew Shockey
Mechanisms and Consciousness
Marek Pokropski
Sartre and Analytic Philosophy
Talia Morag
Merleau-Ponty, Interworlds, and the Phenomenology of Interdependence
Anya M Daly
Towards a Phenomenology of Values
Dave Hobbs
Sara Heinämaa and 2 more
Phenomenology as Critique
Andreea Smaranda Aldea
Phenomenology of Broken Habits
Line Ryberg Ingerslev and 1 more
Peter Antich
The Phenomenology of the Second-Person Plural
Sarah Pawlett Jackson
Healthy Embodiment
Bas de Boer
The Phenomenology of Essences
Till Grohmann
Husserl on Depiction
ReginaNino Mion and 2 more